Apiary Expansion – 2020
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Apiary expansion 2020
We have been continuing our apiary expansion by building another two new benches at both our Glatton apiary and our Water Newton apiary.
This is a continuation of our long-term plans to increase production of our pure British honey. Whilst installing new bee benches we have been planting more bee-friendly plants in order to develop the biodiversity of our sites and ensure there are no gaps in food source throughout the main beekeeping season.
During our apiary expansion 2020 we have been mainly focusing our efforts on our two current sites but are looking for sites that offer further diversity in order to produce honey of varying flavours. If you have a spare corner of a field around the Peterborough area please do not hesitate to get in touch. In particular we are looking for suitable locations around Stamford, Rutland and the surrounding areas.